Monday, December 8, 2008


Reflection: After viewing the piece again with audience, I believe that the work achieved everything that I intended it to. My opinion was apparently not distinguishable as sarcasm or seriousness, which I viewed as a positive. Black Friday is one of those very American events that may be disgusting to the rest of the world, but for Americans, is excepted as part of the culture. It is a confusing feeling one goes through when excepting such blatant materialism, so if the true motivation of my words was hard to understand, that was actually probably the truest representation of my feelings that I could convey. If I were to redo the piece, I would keep the overall tone and purpose that I strived for during this project, but I would strive for more personal and precise B-Roll footage. I felt that much of the footage was fit perfectly to the voiceover, but at times, the footage shown could have been more exact to what was being said. Other than this though, I am very pleased with the overall tone of the project, the comments that were made about it, and the message that I believe the piece conveys. America may consume like pigs, but that's America, and in the short term, it seems that one must take it or leave it.

Audience Response: As stated above, the audience expressed some confusion when trying to distinguish my true feelings behind the opinions I gave which is something that I viewed as a positive. My feelings behind Black Friday are confusing to even me, and I believe that the piece reflected the confusion one feels when trying to make judgements about the country that I love, but sometimes displays deplorable behavior. The audience seemed to enjoy the pace that the video maintained throughout which was definitely a focus of my production stage. The fact that the audience noticed this made this a very successful piece for me personally because I believe that improving pace and sustained entertainment value was an opportunity that I had going into this final project.

Distribution: I have posted this video on youtube and will definitely keep an eye on the page to see if it gets any views, or if anyone leaves a comment about the video.

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