Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Production Journal

The process that went into the production of this video was significantly different than the one that took place for the previous three projects. My shooting process, though it went well, failed to produce any of the shots that I was hoping for, and I was forced to adapt to pull together a product that conveyed some of my views. I settled on a video about the happenings of Black Friday 2008, and though I had to be creative with the visual content of my project, I believe that the final product turned out to be my best project of the year.

Style and Elements: Very little of the video that I used retained its natural audio in the final product. Instead, I opted to pace the video with my own voice overs and music at the very beginning. I believe that after viewing the video thus far, this has turned out to be the correct choice.

Storyboard: In the end, the "story" that my movie would tell was my greatest challenge. I decided to provide an unbiased view of Black Friday and the participants for the majority of the movie, and in the end, I responded to criticism of Black Friday shoppers. My goal was to allow the viewer to make his/her own decision about Black Friday and I believe that the movie will accomplish that objective.

In the Field, Reflection, Improvisation: As we heard from the interview with Ira, sometimes footage is simply disappointing. When this happens, one is forced to adapt and that is exactly what I attempted to do in this video. Ironically, this video is the product that I am most proud of out of all of my videos. I am excited to see whether or not the final product will have the impact that I imagine it to have as I assemble it. I believe that I have out together a project that is entertaining, informative, and comedic, and these are all qualities that I look for in the movies that I watch.

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