Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Post-Production Reflection

After assembling my video, I am extremely pleased with the finished product. The style of this this video is definitely nothing like I have produced in pervious modules, but for the first time, the finished product send the message that I wanted to convey. Black Friday is a strange occurrence that takes place every year and it seems that those that participate love it, and those that don't think that people who wait in lines at four in the morning are insane. My goal was to show that while Black Friday definitely has its down sides and its opponents, at its core, it is another time that families enjoy spending together during the holidays.

Throughout the assembly of the video, my ideas were constantly evolving. Viewing footage would spark ideas on what I could say about the "holiday" and then those ideas would lead to several minutes of video. More than any previous film, this project was exciting to construct from the beginning to the end.

I was fearful that the video would appear to be negatively stated, or that it would be perceived as being critical of all of the madness that takes place. However, after reviewing it, I believe that some of the movie is comedic, some is informative, and visually, both sides are presented. I am pleased with the entertainment value that I believe the movie gives, and I am excited to show it to the class.

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