Monday, October 20, 2008


Throughout the process of creating the actual film, my ideas were constantly changing. THe real dilemna that I seemed to be constantly confronted with was what message I wanted to portray given the large amount of footage that I had. I could have made into a piece about golf with a great golfer speaking, or I could have made it into a piece about all of his accomplishments, but I settled for something that was right down the middle. I allowed him to express what he felt about the game, and how that effects the way that he plays it at such a high level. My hope was that the film would leave individuals with a better understanding about how dynamic of a game golf is, and the thoughts that go into competing at the very highest level. I felt privelaged to be about to talk about a game that I love and with an individual who is one of the best in the country at playing it.

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