Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Presentation and Distribution

THe biggest flaw that I observed in my piece were the lack of quality on much of the action footage, and the poor rendering that obviously occurred, causing the audio to not match the movements of Scott's voice. Strength wise, I believe that I made several critical style decisions that help me relay the message that I was attempting to create. Having said that, the choice of message is always an element of the work that can be a point of contention. However, for the footage that I had obtained, I believe that the choices I made were critical to the movie coming out as it did. It is definitely a challenge to communicate only through the actions and words of another. The situation created by this dliemna lends itself to situation where authors misconstrue the words of their subjects to push a personal agenda.

I got a very positive response from the audience, especially after I was able to explain all of my style choices to them. A few peers would have made different style choices, but after explaining why I did the things I did, I am still confident that I did all I could to effectively relay my message.

Other than planning to show the piece to the subject of the interview, I have no plans to distribute the work on a larger scale.

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