Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pre-Production Journal

1. I am going to be interviewing a golfer which is inspired by my love for the sport. He has played many of the courses that I dream of playing and is very accomplished as a player.
2. My video will capture the competitive nature of golf and the superior degree of concentration that is required to be a great performer.
3. I know anything and everything about golf and a large amount about the college game. I am sure that there is much that I will learn from talking to an individual who has competed at a high level for many years.
4. I worry that I wont be able to capture enough footage of Scott actually playing golf. This involves getting out to the site and filming in an environment that is not conducive to third parties.
5. A video about an individual's quest to become the best collegiate golfer in the nation, and fulfill his dreams of playing on the PGA Tour
6. The difficulty of becoming a collegiate player...statistics behind it (voice over)
7. Main and only character for the time being is Scott the golfer
8. MAN VS. HIMSELF; Golf is a largely internal game that is won and lost within one's own self.

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