Monday, September 1, 2008

Reflections on "I Walk into a White Room"

- I am notorious for exhibiting complete unrest when I have to complete a project or paper. My process of completing any project usually involves doing a little, walk around, do some more, eat, a little more, watch tv, do some more...etc. until the project is done. However, I don't think those behaviors are as much about procrastinating as they are my creative process. Being able to step away from the task and concentrate on anything else for a period of time has always helped me clear my head of any clutter, and ultimately, produce my very best work.
- Every morning I wake up between 6:30-7, usually work out (though I slacked on that all summer), eat breakfast, and then get going on whatever I have to do that day. I have always been an early riser, which I undoubtedly get from my dad, and I have come to appreciate being able to get up and out in the morning, even on a campus that doesn't even begin to stir until about 9 am.
-I believe everyone has their own "touch of gold" talent. Although I agree that natural talents must be unlocked with hard work and dedication, it is undeniable that individuals can have strong natural inclinations to certain tasks. For instance, great writers tend to have an ability to formulate words into strings that captivate audiences though the readers can rarely explain why. While it may be true that, with hard work, anyone can write an informative expository essay, it isn't necessarily the case that anyone can write a best selling fictional novel. True talents are "touches of god." Hard work is what unlocks their greatest potential.


Naj Noodle said...

I think the way that you described your creative process really allows for you to show how you do your work in stages. Even though you are not a procrastinator, you do your so that you do not have to wait until the last minute to do it all. I think that the way you take on your work is a good idea and I might try it. Also, your daily routine seems very planned out, unlike mine. I think that this shows your personality as a organized and thought provoked person.

Namaste, said...


First of all I can't believe you wake up at 6:30 every morning. Props to you. Anyway, I find quite a bit of similarity with your responses to the reading with mine in terms of what you think about "touch of god" talents and about procrastination. I agree with you when you say that hard work towards something will make the person better at it, that it "unlocks" their talent to a higher degree. In fact, I used that specific word "unlock" in my response.

So I definitely enjoyed reading your responses.